This is because, when you begin using a Microsoft account to sign in to Windows 10, the same Microsoft account is automatically added to the Mail app, and you can’t sign out of this account or remove the email account without switching your Microsoft account to local account. In other words, this applies to only users who have been using a Microsoft account to sign in to Windows 10. However, it’s not possible to sign out of the Microsoft account that you have been using to sign in to Windows 10. Luckily, you can sign out of your email accounts added to the Mail app with ease in Windows 10.
Optionally, select Stay signed in to let your browser to keep you logged in.
For instance, if you had added a Gmail account to Windows 10 Mail, you might want to sign out of your Gmail account before allowing others to access your PC. Click Sign in at the top of any Yahoo page. If you have added multiple email accounts to the Mail app, you likely want to remove or sign out of an account at some point in time for some reason. Although it’s not as superior as Outlook or some other third-party desktop clients around, the app offers most of the features that you expect to see in a good email client. The official Mail in Windows 10 is definitely one of the better email apps out there for Windows operating system.